I recently celebrated a birthday and, for this joyous occasion, my side of the family sang one of the worst renditions of "Happy Birthday" that I've ever experienced. But you know what...I genuinely felt the love in their voices. It may not have been in three part harmony, or even always in tune, but it was beautiful in its own "special" way. Ha Ha. ( I don't think anyone in my family is going to make it big in Nashville, let's just leave it at that.)
I always love to check the mail near my birthday because of all of the great cards that friends and family send me, but there's one card that I really, really look forward to each year. It's a card from my church. Each member of my family receives one on their big day. Here's why I love it.

On the outside it looks all serious and Hallmark-ish, but on the inside.....
It's loaded with stickers! It doesn't matter that I'm a grown up, I still get a full-on sticker attack in my card....23 stickers this year...to be exact. I don't want to brag, but my husband only got 18 stickers in his card last month. Mine's better. I never used to count the stickers, but my kids ALWAYS count and compare their sticker birthday cards, so why shouldn't I?
One of the things I love most is that the dear sweet lady that prepares the birthday cards always goes the extra mile with them! She even writes "scratch and sniff" next to that extra special sticker. I cherish this! Some years I get a sticker that changes pictures at different angles, and she writes, "Move up and down" so I don't miss it!
I'm so thankful for this wonderful person in our congregation that makes every birthday feel extra- special. She's a real jewel! Can you imagine the time it takes to make one of these for each member of the church? That must keep her extra busy. I bet she's gonna get an extra jewel in her crown in heaven for her efforts!
Anyway, my family spoiled me with some spending cash, fancy skin care products, heavenly smelling perfume, and a meat thermometer. I also got this beauty. It's from my husband and kiddos. It's from Sheplers, and it's got some of my trademark bling on it!
I also got my very first ever Peacoat from my brother and sis-in-law. I love it!
It's actually the first real wool dress coat that I've ever had. I'm ashamed to say it, but for the last ten years, I've been wearing my Carhartt choring jacket to church with beautiful clothes underneath. As soon as I entered the church foyer, I'd take it off really quick so no one would see it. In hind sight, I realize that the "duck brown" color didn't go the best with everything, but I always had a fencing staple or two in the pockets....just in case! You never know when you're gonna need one at church. I still love my Carhartt for everyday wear, but for special occasions, you just can't beat a classy looking coat!
I'm so glad I have my sister-in-law to keep me clothed in the latest fashions. She's waaaay cooler than I am. She's gonna take the redneck right out of me!
I just feel like a new woman with all of my new birthday stuff! I truly am blessed.