Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thoughts on Marriage

I've been reading an excellent book by Voddie Baucham, called "What He Must Be...if He Wants to Marry My Daughter".  In it, Baucham gives insights on how to raise our sons into Godly men, equipped for the role of a biblical husband.  The book also gives a clear vision of what our daughters should be looking for when choosing a spouse.  As I pour over the pages, I can't help but think of my brother, and the role he is about to take on as "Husband" to his soon to be bride.  He's got huge shoes to fill, as he models Christ's perfect love for His bride, the church. 

My brother is a follower of Christ, and is passionate about serving the Lord.  It will be wonderful for him to have a helper to be at his side to join him in his calling.  Whether it's ministering to young people on the college campus, serving at church, feeding the homeless, or constructing orphanages half a world away, it's comforting to know that he will not be alone in his endeavours.

He must learn to lead like Christ.  "Christ's headship over his bride is characterized first and foremost by his love for her.  A man who follows the Lord's example in this will be marked by biblical love." (Baucham 106) Christ's love is selfless, and sacrificial as well.  When my brother says "I do" on Saturday, he must have a plan of action to lead his household with.  Thankfully, the Bible is full of guidelines about how to be a good leader, and my brother is a student of the Word. 

There are many character traits he must exemplify, but one of my favorites is gentleness.  Voddie Baucham describes the great man and martyr, Rowland Taylor, as an example of the holiness and righteousness of Christ.  He goes on to say, "Rowland Taylor not only exhibited Christlike holiness, he was also a gentle man.  This is not to say that he was timid.  On the contrary, biblical gentleness has nothing to do with being timid.  This is not at all what Christ exhibited in his earthly ministry.  Gentleness is not a lack of strength; gentleness is strength under control." (Baucham 144) My brother is a man of large stature.  His fiance' calls him her "Big Tree".  He's physically strong, but he's also a gentle giant.  When I read this I couldn't help but think of my brother. That gentleness will come in handy when caring for a wife and kids.  Lord willing, someday my brother and his wife will have a quiver full of children and they can gently start training up the next generation.  It will take resolve, sacrifice, provision, nurturing, and above all else....prayer.....lots and lots of prayer. 

Being the Head of the household is a responsibility of magnificent proportions.  I'm sure it will often drive my brother to his knees in prayer.  With great excitement, I look forward to witnessing the holy union of my brother and his wife.  Watching him take on the most important role of his life, and knowing that he will have an amazing "help meet" to walk hand- in- hand with,  makes a sister's heart overflow with emotion. 

Works Cited:
Baucham Jr., Voddie. What He Must Be...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter. Illinois: Crossway, 2009.

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