Saturday, July 16, 2011

Crying at Weddings

I attended the sweetest wedding today, and I cried my eyes out.  It was a lovely cry, though.  The young couple had been courting for several years, and it was so special to witness them take their vows, and start their young lives together.

As soon as I saw that beautiful bride walk down the aisle, the tears started flowing.  My kids asked me why I was crying, and there were no words to properly explain to them the emotions that welled up inside of me. It just took me back to the day I got married, and the sacredness of my vows before God, and my pledge to love, and honor, and cherish my own sweet husband.

When the young couple repeated their vows, I cried again. When I looked into my husband's eyes all those years ago, and pledged to love him all the days of my life, I thought I knew what love was all about.  But I really didn't have a clue.  Not compared to the love I feel for my husband now.  It's grown into something stronger than I ever thought possible.  We've nurtured it in the good times, and sheltered it through the hard times.  Together we've experienced the joy of new life, the tragedy of loss, and the mourning of death.  We've had times of plenty, and times of need.  There have been years of rocking babies, and wiping noses. We've got some living under our belts, and some miles in our journey. 

And our dreams.  We've got big dreams for the future...huge dreams. But we understand the fragility of life.  And that's why we live for today. We cherish each other today.  We don't hold anything back today, because we aren't assured of tomorrow.

My vows mean so much more to me today.  I understand the solemnness of them now.  "For better or worse, in sickness and in health"...we really didn't know what life was going to throw at us when we said those vows. But 12 years later, we have a small glimpse. It is a comfort to know that  God is at the center of our marriage, and he will lead and guide us through the things yet to come. He will rejoice with us through the good times, and weep with us through the rough spots.

Today I was reminded to never stop courting my husband, and to never take our love for granted.  I can never stop studying him, and learning about what is important to him.  Love can't be neglected.

I cried today because weddings are a beautiful reminder of my commitment to my God and my husband.  I cried because twelve years of wonderful memories flashed before my eyes.  I cried because I can't even begin to imagine how deep my love for my husband will be twenty or thirty years from now. I cried because in the blink of an eye, my own children will be all grown up and taking those vows.

I cried because weddings are a beautiful picture of  Jesus Christ and his love for His bride, the Church. 

So when my kids asked me why I had tears in my eyes, I just hugged them tightly and told them that one day, when they're all grown up and have families of their own, they'll understand why mommies cry at weddings.


  1. Beautiful and so true. This made me think of my wedding day. I've been married 13 years and I never would have dreamed on my wedding day that I could love him more than I did at that time. But as the years have gone by and as we've gone through many times, the love has only gotten deeper and stronger, just like you said. And I can't imagine how it will be 20 years from now :)

  2. That was beautiful!
    Yes! Count your blessings. :):)

  3. Wow! Beautifully written! Brings tears of joy to my eyes out of excitment to be able to walk down the aisle to my future husband soon and make thoes same vows infront of God, my family and friends! xo
